Sunday, February 1, 2015

So Long January...

I can't believe it's already February… and that I have about 3 months left of my freshman year of college. I need to start planning things to do this summer. I'm about 90% sure that I'll be going to New York for at least a week. Anyway, I've been super busy with classes this semester. It's not even the homework load (which I'm sure will only grow larger) but I'm in class all day. At least it feels that way. 

Tomorrow I have classes until 5:15 which sucks, and then Tuesday I'm driving up home to pick up these lovely glasses pictured below! The rest of my week is pretty busy as well, with projects and essays and tests coming up. I'm trying to keep up this blog but it's hard to do fun stuff when you have no time!

Great picture of my new specs I get to pick up on tuesday. 

View of the San Clemente pier from the train :-)

My white mocha and acai bowl from The Lazy Hummingbird. It's going to take all of my will power not to go here every day. 

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